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Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts

Reference # Title Award Date Value
DSDSATSIP417 Bamaga Residential Development DA & Studies 2024-03-19 $1
DSDSATSIP416 Palm Island Residential Development Lot 900SP273615 (Pal-TP3) 2024-01-24 $1
DSDSATSIP399 Cherbourg_Fisher St - Residential Development Design, Studies & DA 2024-01-15 $1
DSDSATSIP415 Seisia Residential Development DA & Studies 2024-01-11 $1
DSDSATSIP400 Hope Vale_Hope Valley Estate - Residential Development Design, Studies & DA 2023-11-17 $1
DSDSATSIP379 Umagico Residential Development DA & Studies 2023-08-30 $1
DSDSATSIP348 Bloomis Point Precinct Plan 2023-06-22 $1
DSDSATSIP288 Coen Art Centre Precinct Plan 2023-06-12 $1
DSDSATSIP286 Northern Peninsula Area (NPA) Climate and Economic Master Plan 2023-06-08 $1
DSDSATSIP289 Coen Master Plan Review 2023-05-23 $1
DSDSATSIP301 Injinoo Housing Development Application 2023-05-22 $1
DSDSATSIP270 New Mapoon Housing Development Application 2023-05-02 $1
DSDSATSIP200 Seniors Legal and Social Support Expansion of services to new locations 2023-03-16 $1
DSDSATSIP246 Precinct Plan over lands located at Pajinka, Cape York 2023-03-02 $1
DSDSATSIP241 Pormpuraaw Social Housing Development Applications 2023-03-01 $1
DSDSATSIP261 Doomadgee Future Planning report 2023-02-27 $1
DSDSATSIP172 Mapoon - Investigation, Mapping, Reporting of Flora, Fauna and Ecological Process 2022-06-30 $70,543
DSDSATSIP149 Aurukun Development Application 2022-04-28 $25,630
DSDSATSIP111 Digitisation of the master plan 2022-04-19 $11,550
DSDSATSIP144 Kowanyama Development Application (Development of approx. 20-25 Residential Allotment or suitable alternative over Lots 81, 84, 98, on SP272069 2022-03-31 $1