Recently Awarded Contracts (last 30 days)

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Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works

Reference # Title Award Date Value
HHSDoH2023015 Hamilton Temporary Supported Accommodation 2023-12-01 $4,963,636
HHSDoH2023013 Toowoomba Housing Hub 2023-11-17 $1,745,619
HHSCHDE2023008 Bridge Street, Toowoomba - Social Housing with Support 2023-10-25 $1,959,092
HHSDoH2023009 Toowoomba HomeStay Support 2023-09-08 $3,289,244
HHSCHDE2023004 Clayfield Accommodation Invitation to Offer 2023-05-19 $616,258
RPA2022009 Construction Program Evaluation 2023-04-26 $99,850
HHSCHDE2023003 Redlands Temporary Accommodation Select Invitation to Offer 2023-04-26 $1,507,884
HHSCHDE2022009 Stay Connected Fund - Round 1 2023-03-31 $2,500,000
RPA2022003 Customer Journey Mapping for Housing Services 2022-12-16 $393,377
HHSCHDE2022005 Employee Support and Resilience Program 2022-10-13 $1
HHSCHDE2021007 Specialised Housing and Support Hub for Older Women 2022-06-27 $5,400,000