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Provision of an environmental monitoring program at the Mt Oxide Abandoned Mine Site  

Department of Natural Resources and Mines
Level 12, 41 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000
Provision of an environmental monitoring program at the Mt Oxide Abandoned Mine Site (DNRM1211)
Provision of an environmental monitoring program at the Mt Oxide Abandoned Mine Site
The Department of Natural resources and Mines invites offers for the provision of an environmental monitoring program at the Mount Oxide Abandoned Mine Site.
22 Nov, 2012
Environmental Services - (100%)
open offer process
$70,561 (Fixed Price)
Mount Isa & North West Region
17 Dec, 2012
17 Dec, 2012
Geoffrey Bock DNRM
OFFICE: (07) 33306026


Northern Resource Consultants
12 Cannan St, South Townsville, QLD, Australia, 4810
Price: $ 70561.00