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Innovation Services  

Level 12, 41 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000
Innovation Services (DSITI150461)
Goods and Services
Innovation Services

DSITI is seeking offers from professional contractors with experience in delivering innovation services to provide professional high-level facilitation and skill development capability for any combination of the following two service offerings:

  • Category A - A Skills Development Program to develop innovation management capability in small to medium sized enterprises (SME’s) and early stage innovators (primarily workshop / webinar based); and
  • Category B – A Collaboration Events Program focusing on promoting collaboration between diverse and dispersed parties who would otherwise be unlikely to come together to identify research opportunities or form partnerships to facilitate innovation in targeted areas of opportunity.

For detailed information on the specific goods / services sought under this tender, please review the attached documents

1 Jul, 2015
Labor training or development - (100%)
open offer process
$1,375,000 (Estimate)
Cairns & Far North Queensland
Mount Isa & North West Region
The Central West
South West & Darling Downs
Mackay Whitsunday Region
Wide Bay Burnett
South East Queensland
18 Aug, 2015
18 Aug, 2015
14 Jul, 2016
13 Jul, 2018
Glenda Blanch
OFFICE: (07) 30372608


Impact Innovation Group
Level 27, 480 Queen Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000
Price: $ 576230.00