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Brisbane Region - Kinship Care with Flexible Support  

Z (INACTIVE) Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Level 5, 111 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000
Brisbane Region - Kinship Care with Flexible Support (DCCSDS0193B)
Goods and Services
Brisbane Region - Kinship Care with Flexible Support

Submissions are sought for new and innovative models of kinship care which includes a component of Flexible Support to enhance and maintain placements during times of instability.  The primary purpose of Kinship Care is to provide children who require out-of-home care with a safe and caring home environment with someone who is of significance to the child and who can meet the child’s daily care and protection needs. Kinship care promotes continuity for the child and maintains family connections by retaining the child’s links with their birth family, community and culture.   The Flexible Support component of this service response aims to provide an allocation of funding to enable suppliers to provide innovative responses to ensure carers are appropriately supported to meet the care needs of children at time of placement instability, or periods where increased support is requried to maintain the care relationship.

26 Apr, 2017
Community and social services - (100%)
open offer process
$1,600,806 (Estimate)
South East Queensland
26 Jun, 2017
Marree Whiteman Archived
OFFICE: (07) 732387554


Infinity Community Solutions LTD
14 Melaleuca Cres, Sinnamon Park, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4073
Price: $ 0.00