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Driver Training Services  

Queensland Health
GPO Box 48, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4001
Queensland Health Queensland Ambulance Service
Driver Training Services (A3752)
Goods and Services
Driver Training Services

The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) is seeking Proposals for Driver Training Services.

For detailed information on the specific goods / services sought under this tender, please review the "Specification Documents" in "Section 3 - Here is the detail".

31 Jul, 2018
Vehicle driving schools services - (100%)
open offer process
$1 (Estimate)
South East Queensland
6 Feb, 2019
Mark Reilly
OFFICE: (07) 36353057


Roadcraft Driver Education
36 Drummond Drive, Gympie, QLD, Australia, 4570
Price: $ 0.00
Australian 4WD and Advanced Driver Education
PO Box 381, Albany Creek, QLD, Australia, 4035
Price: $ 0.00