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Women's Shelter and Mobile Support Service for Women and Children experiencing Domestic and Family Violence - Sunshine Coast  

Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women
111 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000
Women's Shelter and Mobile Support Service for Women and Children experiencing Domestic and Family Violence - Sunshine Coast (DCSYW0180OO)
Goods and Services
Women's Shelter and Mobile Support Service for Women and Children experiencing Domestic and Family Violence - Sunshine Coast

The department is investing in a women’s shelter and mobile support service to provide temporary supported accommodation and mobile support to women and children experiencing domestic and family violence in the Sunshine Coast area, with a significant focus in Nambour and outreach service delivery to the broader Sunshine Coast catchment area. 

The successful Supplier will deliver services in accordance with the following service types as outlined in the Domestic and Family Violence Investment Specification Version 3.0, 1 April 2018 as specified below.

Service Users:  SU3520 – Women and children experiencing domestic and family violence.

Service Types:

1. ST6 - Women’s Shelter – Temporary Support Accommodation - Immediate:
The Women’s Shelter will provide temporary accommodation and case management support with the aim of keeping women and children experiencing domestic and family violence safe, provide support to address their safety and wellbeing needs and support their transition to safe and secure housing.  Case management support will be provided to women and children accommodated with a priority on safety planning and risk assessment.  The service will continue to support the women and children as they transition into longer term housing.

2. ST5 - Mobile Support:  The Mobile Support service will be provided to women and children experiencing domestic and family violence who are accommodated in motels or in their own home, in temporary living situations, in a community setting or in a public space.

Request for Clarification Cut Off:  2PM (AEST) 19 March 2019

25 Mar, 2019
Community and social services - (100%)
selective offer process
$4,050,376 (Estimate)
South East Queensland
26 Jun, 2019
Johnson CSYW Chen
OFFICE: (07) 30975790


Kyabra Community Association Inc
P.O. Box 1103 Sunnybank Hills, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4109
Price: $ 4050376.00