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Urban Planning services for Mininsterial Infrastructure Designation for a Laboratory at 40 & 42 Campbell Street and 11 Tufton St  

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission
60 Kingsford Smith Drive, Albion, QLD, Australia, 4010
Goods and Services
Urban Planning services for Mininsterial Infrastructure Designation for a Laboratory at 40 & 42 Campbell Street and 11 Tufton St
The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC) is progressing an accelerated program for the relocation of the Racing Science Centre laboratory (RSC laboratory). The relocation of the RSC is necessary to allow construction of the Breakfast Creek Sports Precinct.
QRIC is finalising arrangements to secure the site located at 40 & 42 Campbell Street and 11 Tufton Street, Bowen Hills. With the site located in the Bowen Hills Priority Development Area (PDA), a planning approval for a ‘Research and Technology Industry’ use is required. However, given the urgency of the project and the RSC laboratory is for a ‘Government function’, QRIC will be seeking Ministerial Infrastructure Designation to legitimise the use.
Taking into account the pathway and steps necessary for QRIC to acquire the site (initially under a lease and then under ownership), professional urban planning advice and services are required for the following steps:
Stage 1: MID Pre-lodgement
Prepare necessary material for MID Pre-lodgement discussions. Organise and attend MID Pre-lodgement discussions with relevant officers from the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP). Prepare minutes documenting MID Pre-lodgement discussions
Stage 2: MID Pre-endorsement
Subject to the outcomes from Stage 1, and at the discretion of QRIC, prepare necessary material and liaise with officers from DSDILGP to obtain MID Pre-endorsement. Include separate price component for MID Pre-endorsement public consultation, if required by officers from DSDILGP.
Stage 3: MID Preparation and lodgement
Subject to the outcomes of previous stages, and at the discretion of QRIC, prepare Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) per the relevant requirements under the Minister’s Guidelines and Rules (MGR) and addressing any matters raised in previous stages, coordinate and liaise with other consultants (to be engaged by QRIC) in preparation of the (EAR) including, Architect and Engineers (Environmental, Services, Traffic, etc.). Undertake public consultation in accordance with the MGR.
31 May, 2023
Urban building standards or regulations services - (100%)
limited offer process
$19,000 (Estimate)
South East Queensland
31 Aug, 2023
This contract was awarded following a request for quote - 3 quotes were sought from the market by way of email and the least cost technically compliant offer was selected. Due to the low value of the requirement an informal request for quote method was used as per the QRIC Procurement Policy and Procedures.
Saule Muldabayeva
OFFICE: (07) 31740504


Gaskell Planning Consultants
Unit 19, 8 Catherine Street Woolloongabba QLD 4102, Brisbane, QLD , 4102, Australia
Price: $ 19000.00