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State Library of Queensland Virtual Tour Application  

Corporate Administration Agency
Level 23, 111 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000
State Library of Queensland Virtual Tour Application (SLQ0412011)
Goods and Services
State Library of Queensland Virtual Tour Application

The Library invites Offers from suitably experienced Offerors for the creation of an interactive and fun web-based virtual game experience (product) specifically targeting children, school groups, families, public libraries and community groups.  Both the onsite and offsite experience are to be accessible through multiple platforms including Apple (iPhone/iPad) and Android use.

The product created by this project will be used to assist school groups and clients to engage with the physical space and collections through play in a self directed discovery of the library building. It is also expected that the product will enable continuous creation of different activities and have the ability to have new collections, updated content and be refreshed over time.

The project is to include both onsite and offsite virtual experience components.

29 Jul, 2011
Developmental and professional teaching aids and materials and accessories and supplies - (100%)
open offer process
$99,000 (Estimate)
South East Queensland
5 Jan, 2012
Jessica Hill (Disabled)
OFFICE: (07) 30032310


EY Digital
200 George Street, NSW, Australia, 2000
Price: $ 0.00