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Residential Tenancies Authority Customer Experience Research Project

Issued by Residential Tenancies Authority

Invitation to Offer

Status: Awarded
Mega Category: General goods and services
Number: PA000337
Released: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 at 12:00AM Brisbane, Queensland
Closed: Mon, 14 Feb 2022 at 5:00PM Brisbane, Queensland
Awarded: Mon, 9 May 2022 at 12:00AM Brisbane, Queensland
UNSPSC: Business and corporate management consultation services - (100%)
Region/s: South East Queensland

This Tender has been awarded - please click here to view the Contract details.

Section 1

Tender Overview

The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) is seeking Proposals for the conduct of a Customer Experience Research Project. It includes the conduct of comprehensive research, industry benchmarking and analysis of current service delivery, customer experience and performance of the RTA including assessment of internal capability.

Depending on requirements these services specifically include:

  • • Obtaining customer insights to provide future direction for channel and engagement activities
    • Industry benchmarking and best practice research and insight (for both Customer Experience and Service Delivery as well as communication strategy and engagement as it relates to overall Customer experience)
    • Customer research, surveying, focus groups or other activities required to deliver on findings
    • Completion of current state customer journey mapping providing the RTA with a comprehensive understanding of elements such as customer satisfaction points and service quality value gaps (knowledge, policy, delivery, communication)
    • Completion of service blueprinting providing the RTA with a comprehensive understanding of service journeys and the underlying resources and support processes
    • Assessment of customer journey maps and service blueprints in comparison to cost and performance
    • Definition of the target experience across key channels including metrics and measurements
    • Provide insight, artifacts, research and recommendation on the potential future ‘ideal state’ customer experience and service design for the RTA as part of its transformation program
    • Provide recommendations on key improvement strategies including operational change and longer strategic change pieces of work.

For detailed information on the specific goods / services sought under this tender, please review the "Specification Documents" in "Section 3 - Here is the detail".

More about tendering here

Section 2

Still need help? Contact Us

users Rea Bundock ARCHIVED
phone 32241038
email zzARCHIVED_Rea.Bundock@rta.qld.gov.au

Section 3

Here is the detail

If there are no documents listed in this section, please refer to Section 1 Tender Overview.

Documents can not be downloaded once Tender has closed.