Display PDG207982

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Detailed Design of Redlands Performing Arts Centre (RPAC) Stage 1 Development

Issued by Redland City Council

Invitation to Offer

Status: Closed
Mega Category: Building construction and maintenance
Number: PDG207982
Released: Thu, 1 Dec 2022 at 12:00AM Brisbane, Queensland
Closed: Fri, 20 Jan 2023 at 2:00PM Brisbane, Queensland
UNSPSC: Editorial and Design and Graphic and Fine Art Services - (100%)
Region/s: South East Queensland

Section 1

Tender Overview

Redland City Council ("RCC") requires a Conractor to complete certified Detailed Design and associated documentation of the Stage 1 Redevelopment works at Redlands Performing Arts Centre ("RPAC").  The scope of this first Stage is primarily concentrated to the exterior area surrounding the main entrance of RPAC which includes pathways, shade structures, planting, seating and lighting.

Please refer to the full tender package for further details. 

More about tendering here

Section 2

Still need help? Contact Us

users Deborah Addison
email deborah.addison@redland.qld.gov.au
users Julie McBean
email zzARCHIVED_julie.mcbean@redland.qld.gov.au
users Tracey Justice
email tracey.justice@redland.qld.gov.au

Section 3

Here is the detail

If there are no documents listed in this section, please refer to Section 1 Tender Overview.

Documents can not be downloaded once Tender has closed.