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Gabba Stadium Industry Briefing

Issued by DEPW - Building Division, Major Projects

Forward Procurement Schedule

Status: Expired
Mega Category: Building construction and maintenance
Number: B2032
Released: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 at 12:00AM Brisbane, Queensland
Closing: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 at 2:00PM Brisbane, Queensland
Expected ITO Date:
UNSPSC: Building and Construction and Maintenance Services - (100%)
Region/s: South East Queensland

Section 1

Tender Overview

Gabba rebuild project

Re: 60-day review

The Department of State Development and Infrastructure would like to again thank all of those who attended the Gabba rebuild Industry Briefing on Thursday 7 December 2023.

Given the commitment made by the Queensland Premier, The Honourable Steven Miles MP, to undertake a 60-day review of the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games (Brisbane 2032) venues master plan, the release of the Registration of Interest documentation for the Principal Consultants and Managing Contractors, and the Expression of Interest for the Audit Programmer and Audit Quantity Surveyor, which were scheduled for release on 10 January 2024, have been postponed.

For more information about the review, please see Premier Miles inaugural statement: https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/99363

The outcomes of the review will inform our future procurement strategies, timelines and key milestones.

While the review is underway, we would still encourage interested parties, both Principal Consultants and Managing Contractors, to ensure their PQC registrations are up to date.

We continue to be available to answer questions about the PQC registration process and to assess new applications, while the review is ongoing.

All interested parties are encouraged to ensure they have set up an account on QTenders.

By setting up a QTenders account, you will be assured access to the latest information and updates about the Gabba rebuild project and other Olympic and Paralympic venues.

The project team is contactable at mpgabba2032@epw.qld.gov.au if you have any further questions.


The documents for download in Section 3 is protected by the Copyright Act 1968. ​

Creative Commons licence​

This work, except as identified below, is licensed by the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning under a Creative Commons Attribution No Derivative Works (CC BY-ND) 4.0 Australia licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit creativecommons.org.au. You are free to copy, communicate and adapt this publication as long as you attribute it as follows:​

​© State of Queensland, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning, December 2023.​

​Third party material that is not licensed under a Creative Commons licence is referenced within this document. All content not licensed ​under a Creative Commons licence is all rights reserved. Please contact the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning /the copyright owner if you wish to use this material.​

More about tendering here

Section 2

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users Brisbane 2032 (available for comment submission)
email mpgabba2032@epw.qld.gov.au

Section 3

Here is the detail

If there are no documents listed in this section, please refer to Section 1 Tender Overview.

Documents can not be downloaded once Tender has closed.