Display RFQ202400406

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EOI: Executive Leadership Coaching and Organisational Development Consultancy Services

Issued by The University of Queensland

Expression of Interest

Status: Closed
Mega Category: General goods and services
Number: RFQ202400406
Released: Mon, 4 Mar 2024 at 5:17PM Brisbane, Queensland
Closed: Thu, 4 Apr 2024 at 4:00PM Brisbane, Queensland
UNSPSC: Education and Training Services - (100%)
Region/s: Cairns & Far North Queensland
Mount Isa & North West Region
The Central West
South West & Darling Downs
Mackay Whitsunday Region
Wide Bay Burnett
South East Queensland

Section 1

Tender Overview

Summary of Opportunity

The University of Queensland (UQ) seeks expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced contractors and consultants to provide the following services:

  • Executive leadership coaching and / or

  • Organisational development (OD) consultancy services

Suppliers are encouraged to submit an EOI for either one or both services.

Background and Objectives

This EOI is for the purpose of identifying and compiling a list of suppliers for the above mentioned services, which may be utilised by UQ staff as required from time to time. Please be aware that no specific amount of work is guaranteed.

UQ has issued this EOI to achieve the following objectives:

  • Identify suppliers who are interested in providing the services

  • Understand the capability of the market

  • Compile a list of suppliers for the above listed services, which may be utilised by UQ staff as required

About UQ

UQ is one of Australia’s leading teaching and research universities. For more than a century, UQ has educated and worked with outstanding people to deliver knowledge leadership for a better world. Further information about UQ is set out in the following links: 

**Interested suppliers can register to view the tender documents, including details high-level requirements, scope and evaluation criteria, and submit an EOI on the UQProcure platform here.**

Any technical issues experienced with registration should be sent to procurementprojects@uq.edu.au

Once registered, we ask that all questions relating to the tender are sent through the UQProcure Q&A platform, which will allow for equal distribution of key information to all suppliers.

Please ensure that you submit your Expression of Interest through UQProcure only. Submissions received via QTenders or email may not be accepted.

More about tendering here

Section 2

Still need help? Contact Us

Other Contacts
users Jessica Butler
Type Contractual
phone PHONE: (07) 33813089
email procurementprojects@uq.edu.au

Section 3

Here is the detail

If there are no documents listed in this section, please refer to Section 1 Tender Overview.

Documents can not be downloaded once Tender has closed.